
Argyll and Bute Council
The project is fueled by the direct support and imagination of Argyll and Bute’s civic leaders who aim to fulfill the potential of the island to attract new visitors, residents and businesses. As a dynamic new cultural centre, the Pavilion is a key part of that vision, with its deep roots in the local community and appeal radiating far outwards, nationally and beyond.
Argyll and Bute Council are the client in charge of the construction. Upon completion, the Pavilion will be leased to the Pavilion Charity in late Autumn 2019.
Argyll and Bute Council are one of a group of main funders that include the Scottish Government, Highlands and Island Enterprise and the Heritage Lottery, whose backing determines the Pavilion’s future for generations to come.
Argyll & Bute Council Project Manager, overseeing the needs of the Council/Client is Jonathan Miles.
Construction & Design Team
Projects of this scale and international significance requires a significant degree of skill, imagination, experience. The team behind the project are:
Elder & Cannon Architects, Contract Administrators overseeing and managing the construction contract is Tom Connolly & Ewen Millar
Construction: TBC
Structural Engineer: ARUP Structures: Ciaran Mallon
Mechanical Engineer: ARUP Mechanical: Gordon Brown + Ya Roderick
Electrical: ARUP Electrical and Lighting Designers: Paul Queen
Cost Consultants: Gardiner & Theobald: Angela Coia
Principal Designer (CDM Regulations) Gardiner and Theobald: Donald Campbell
Fire Engineer To Building Warrant Stage: ARUP Fire
Acoustic Consultant to Building Warrant Stage: New Acoustics
Performance Lighting and Sound: Northern Light (now part of CBC Tender
with Specialist PL+S Sub Contractor)
Interpretation + Internal Signage Consultant: Campbell & Co: David Campbell
End User: Pavilion Charity