Case For Support Appendicies

Jun 23, 2022


Appendix 1 – The Building Experience.

What does the Pavilion add.

The Pavilion is a striking, three-story grade A listed building that’s stands out on Rothesay’s seafront providing a range of modern, flexible, and fully accessible space and amenities suitable for just about any size and shape of public gathering, with few limits on the creativity or inventiveness on how they can be used.

It is an exceptional example of a unique style of modern architecture, visitor magnet and thriving/buzzing community hub offering a combination of inspiring and adaptive spaces for exploration, learning and entertainment.

  • The building is of architectural importance

  • The heritage is of cultural significance

  • The focus is on youth and the future

  • The offering is a space for fun, innovation, and creativity

  • The value is intrinsic to the whole community

Image credit: Still from interactive 3-d computer model by GBDM interpretative design consultants


Appendix 2 What’s on offer, inside?

  • The ‘Pavilion Experience[1] comprising:

Permanent wayfaring across three floors – guided and self-guided, digital bespoke ‘backstage’ building tours and playful/ interactive storytelling. The Pavilion experience should not just be ‘your average museum visit’ but a place to wander and find surprises round every corner, a space to escape to taking inspiration from the architecture and playful elements of design.

  • The Pavilion People’s Archive[2] – both a physical and virtual space – the archive is a fascinating and wonderful asset with local insights about the history, heritage and people behind the Pavilion
  • Events arena/auditorium and bar – the biggest gathering space on the island including one the largest original sprung wooden dance floors in Scotland. (8,956sqft/832m2)
  • Intimate ‘underground’ studio theatre with separate/private entrance, reception and bar
  • Seafront gallery, ground floor foyer and airy circulation space – for temporary exhibitions, installations, receptions and networking. Opportunities to see and explore the latest trends in popular culture, and new ideas and technologies
  • Shopping – Contemporary craft, design retail and concession space. High profile exposure for local amateur and professional artists, makers, and dealers
  • Eating and drinking – Café-bar, magnificent external seafront terrace and rear garden area to experience food, drink, and local recipes from the collaboration of island food industry entrepreneurs
  • Co-working – self-contained contemporary office accommodation, or a whole house [3]with bespoke kitchen and meeting facilities
  • Private Space and meeting rooms – a flexible range of spaces that can be hired individually, or in conjunction with other spaces on offer throughout the building
  • Full accessibility – sensitive to needs of diverse, multi-generational audiences and visitors. High speed broadband and digital connectivity throughout
  • Fully responsive to climate change – The Pavilion’s ambition is to become an Ecotourism Centre of Excellence. Its engineering/materials, design, seafront location, facilities management and operations must therefore recognise the risk climate change presents to how we work, and who we work with. As a multi-faceted visitor destination and creative hub, we can have an influence beyond our own operations through our interactions with audiences, visitors, and local community.

Appendix 3 Results – what will the Pavilion do/mean for Bute?


  • Adds scale and quality to Bute’s public realm and offer as a responsive community hub and contemporary tourist destination – forging new creative partnerships and relationships; enabling participation from a broader range of local residents and communities, active involvement from families, schools, F.E and local businesses, recognition by national and international stakeholders and promoters and, giving a positive focus for civic pride on Bute


  • Increases access to a wider range of contemporary arts and popular culture to audiences locally and nationally- Facilitating a year-round rich and varied menu of cultural entertainment, live art, festival events and seasonal recreational activities providing reasons to make regular and frequent visits to Bute. E.g music, song, dance, reading, comedy, multimedia, fashion, performing and visual arts, crafts, horticulture, photography, in collaboration with Mount Stuart, Historic and Environment Scotland, Creative Scotland, Glasgow School of Art, V&A Design Museum, Scottish Screen, SCRAN, RCAHMS or partnership with commercial performing and visual arts agents, sponsors and promoters.


  • Creates new employment and creative opportunities through facilities hire, events exhibitions, commissions, online content, publications, educational and training and activities programme. Through the purchase of goods and services it is also supporting other businesses and creative industries in Argyll and Bute, as well as locally. These include for example, photographers, printers, technical services, writers, content producers, videographers, digital markers, IT, AV companies


  • Puts Bute on the UK and international cultural map – As a top ten cultural tourist destination with extensive creative industry connections and working with Visit and Event Scotland, the Pavilion’s offers excellent potential and opportunity for storytelling and coverage during construction and community engagement programme pre and post opening.


By generating extensive press and media coverage and positive PR it will highlight Bute’s appeal to a much wider and targeted audience and across a specific range of media and industry – e.g online, across digital platforms (web, Facebook, twitter, Linked in) national,  regional, local TV and press (e.g Times, Telegraph, Guardian weekend, (BBC, STV, Herald, Scotsman) radio and film, consumer/Lifestyle (Wallpaper, Grand Designs, Elle decoration, Vogue, Scottish Field, Country Waling, Traveller, Conde Naste, Photography, Saga magazine, Food) and Trade (The Drum, RIAS, Caterer & Hotelkeeper, Wedding Directory)


  • Creative stimulus for business innovation and support for Bute’s creative and circular economy – the venue expands the resources to a wider range of cultural and commercial promoters. It facilitates public/private sector partnerships, and marketing opportunities across the creative /tech industries, events, and commercial sector e.g., the arts, screen, multimedia, animation, publishing, food and drink, fashion, textile, product design, web and mobile development.

This will increase the visitor base, deepen understanding of creative practice and production, highlight pathways to new careers in the knowledge/digital economy and/or routes to self-employment and business start-up support on the island and across the region.


E.g the scale of our main auditorium is ideal for large scale sensory immersive experiences developed using 3D projection, motion capture and music, creating opportunities for innovative, immersive live art performance and opportunities for content and product development, technical production, and interpretation.


Alternatively using digital analytics generated from our booking, point of sale, ecommerce, and visitor management software systems we can gather and share intelligence about visitors and usage, developing ideas with other cultural and tourism organisations to attract and ‘recycle’ audiences to develop location loyalty and inform new partnerships and business development.


  • Creates employment and increased opportunities for volunteer, training and professional development – Facilitating a co-operative approach and sharing resources to address common need in tourism, hospitality, and event management; the digital economy –marketing and content production; technical production, building and ground maintenance. Working in partnership with destination agencies and groups such as Argyll and The Isles Tourism Cooperative (AITCC), Mount Stuart, Bute Museum & Collections, Bute’s Business Improvement District, Bute Kitchen, Business Gateway, other Digital innovation hubs and programme across Scotland that address issues of business growth and skills and career development.


E.g with support from Scottish Government, Skills development Scotland and other key stakeholders and bringing creative professionals into contact with young people in a mentoring role – e.g. The ‘Pavilion Pledge’ could offer every 16-25 yr. old on the island the guarantee of at least one creative learning/training opportunity should they want it as a curated first step into experiencing the world of work (Volunteer, intern, apprentice, contract, part time, to full time)


  • Increase opportunities to experience a range of initiatives that improve physical and mental health and wellbeing, increase access and reduce isolation through arts and culture, in collaboration with Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, Live Argyll,  Creative Scotland, Sport Scotland, Argyll College healthcare students and arts professionals working nationally in this area using the Pavilion’s facilities and networks creatively combined with others on the island to support activity and play a leading role in the health and diversity of Bute’s communities.


  • Provides education and learning opportunities for children and young people of every generation and family through the arts, creative industries, participation in creative play, fun projects and networking activities that build skills and confidence, encourage peer to peer working, self-development and enterprise.

On Bute where there is very little provision of creative activity for young people and little  activity out with the school and some voluntary associations ( BB’s Young Farmers, riding club), the Pavilion can provide a range of space and opportunities for participation and engagement, supporting Rothesay’s schools approaches to culture, creativity (STEAM) and working with playgroups, nurseries and parents on, e.g. annual ‘Kid and Youth Camp activities (Coding, Adventure, Music, Gaming, Play, Design) building a reputation as being the  ‘Summer Camp’ destination in much the same tradition as in the USA.


  • Delivers positive focus and leadership for eco-tourism and climate change – addressing this by what and when we operate in ways that that conserve the environment, adds value to our local communities, involves interpretation, education make a virtue of its design and location and strengthens the Pavilion’s sustainability.

E.g High speed broadband and digital connectivity makes streaming performances and subscriptions possible when storms, extreme weather and transport difficulties prevent audiences, artists travelling or materials arriving; setting up an online equipment hub to hire out event equipment for community use thus reducing cost and risk to event organisers on the island; considering ways to use our greenspace at the rear of the Pavilion to address aspects of climate change; providing free access to bottled water and ways to harvest rainwater, removing single use plastic,  sourcing food and composting food waste; managing  energy use –already we have improved building insulation, installed roof solar panels and modern building management systems, zoning areas to adapt heating and ventilation levels,  LED lighting and a regular maintenance programme to regularly monitor vulnerabilities.


As a focal point on the environment, the Pavilion is well placed to host a range of events and discussions, creative or innovative arts projects which look into and engage people in for example, on the impacts of sea level rise on nature and the communities which live on Scotland’s islands and coastline.


  • Opportunities to think differently about the future and develop a new way of working – the indefinite ‘pause’ on the restoration puts the entire project at risk. However, it gives space to reflect further on the current business model that was nearly nine years ago in the making.


During that time there has been a global transformation in society underway that combines new socio-economic models with far reaching technologies and trends. This alone challenges how the Pavilion can adapt to deliver its intended outcomes and sustain itself. The Pavilion cost base requires several income streams to operate from e.g., from commercial hires, rent, catering, retail, admissions and ticket sales, plus direct or indirect subsidy from government, and contributions from major donors, trusts and foundations.


The responsibility for this and achieving the Pavilion’s intended outcomes isn’t the job of one lone Board of Trustees, but a shared long-term risk and task for the whole community, business owners, commercial and public sector.


If the Pavilion is to be the foundation for a vision of the island’s future, the lives of Bute’s communities must but at the centre of reimagining, shaping and sustaining it. Their ideas and endeavour respond directly to the social, economic, and environmental concerns they face. Community interest and strategic engagement supported by the Pavilion generates energy, fresh commitment and new opportunities to drive economic success. In turn, a sustainable revenue model from a more dynamic mix of functions and users and healthy, long-term management rooted in the interests of the people the Pavilion serves.







Appendix 4– Table of Other investors & Amounts



(This should be a table with amounts to evidence commitment to date)


Appendix 5 – The Pavilion – what’s on offer? (Expanded version)

(Expanded version from earlier – detail of use/purpose?)


The ‘Pavilion Experience[4] comprising of:

  • Permanent wayfaring across three floors, guided and self-guided, digital bespoke ‘backstage’ building tours and playful/ interactive story-telling, that reveal the building’s hidden history and timeline; the basis for its construction and youthful architectural origins symbolic of the post war period of industrialisation; its avant-garde Bauhaus/art deco influence, unique features and futuristic design aesthetic; its key role in Bute’s seaside holiday heritage, and affectionate place in the lives of the island communities who give it its essential character and humour.
  • The Pavilion People’s Archive[5] – both a physical and virtual space – the archive is a fascinating and wonderful asset with local insights about the history, heritage and people behind the Pavilion, the events, entertainers, artists, royal visitors, staff and audiences from the 1930’s to current day, drawn organically from local press (‘Buteman’), Bute Museum and Council archives,  documentary and oral histories, memorabilia, film footage, digital and physical resources and archive material in private ownership donated and gathered throughout the National Lottery Heritage Foundation Activity programme running through the restoration. Of special interest to the public, Bute’s residents and communities, professional interest groups, and schools, for pre-post visit learning and engagement activity and core to what makes the Pavilion (and Bute) a significant and memorable place.
  • Events arena/auditorium and bar – the biggest gathering space on the island including one the largest recessed, sprung wooden dance floor (8956sqft/832m2) in Scotland. Stage, performance lighting, state of the art concert audio system, and upgraded backstage facilities. Perfect for a diverse range of audiences, large scale performance and visual arts, conferences, product launches, film screenings, festivals, indoor markets, and celebrations and also a range of indoor recreational and leisure activity to meet the ‘wet weather’ needs of family holidaymakers and locals for example, bowling, pool, table tennis, pickle ball and indoor play


  • Intimate ‘underground’ studio theatre with separate/private entrance, reception and bar, access to changing backstage facilities, dressing rooms and showering facilities, suited to small- scale events, celebrations, demonstrations, workshops, and workouts.
  • Seafront gallery, ground floor foyer and airy circulation space throughout for temporary exhibitions, installations, receptions and lingering – opportunities to see and explore the latest trends in popular culture, and the ideas and new technologies that inspire our future arts, contemporary culture, and creative industries – fabric to furniture, VR to AR, photography to fashion, architecture to interiors, sculpture to song writing.
  • Shopping – Contemporary craft, design retail and concessionary space – high profile opportunities for local amateur and professional artists, makers, and dealers to present and grow their business, develop ecommerce and/or meet visitors and clients to present and sell their work in a busy professional setting. A co-operative business model in its own right that supports the professional development of creative entrepreneurs where profits return directly to artists and at the same time, by ‘getting under glimpse under the bonnet of design’ and the people who create it, presents a compelling element of the visitor experience.
  • Eating and drinking – Café-bar, external seafront terrace and rear garden area to experience ‘Bute’s Kitchen.’ Food, drink, and local recipes from the collaboration of island food industry entrepreneurs. From the farmers and smallholders growing and producing crops, dairy, and livestock, to cheese makers, butchers and distillers crafting products from Bute’s top-quality ingredients. Fully equipped professional kitchen and bar facilities to cater for events and celebrations up to 300-500? people
  • Co-working – self-contained contemporary office accommodation, or a whole house [6]with bespoke kitchen and meeting facilities and easy access to the Pavilion’s core ancillary services and business networking opportunities. These spaces are designed for short-term, flexible lets and leasing, to encourage mobile working, facilitate networking opportunities and diverse collaborations, meetings, and business development – all designed to fit the needs of budding creative entrepreneurs, business start-ups or ambitious enterprises wanting to grow.
  • Private Space and meeting rooms – a range of spaces that can be hired individually, or all together in conjunction with the main auditorium or studio theatre. These rooms, much like space throughout the whole building, can be used for classes, workshops, training days, photo shoots and filming, community events and celebrations, rehearsals, or breakout sessions. This includes dedicated access to 45RPM[7] music and multi-media equipment to support and encourage engagement by the island’s young people having a place to call their own and to enjoy learning developing new skills in creating and crafting new content – e.g digital content development and design, music, video, song, performance, craft.
  • Fully accessibility – sensitive to needs of diverse, multi-generational audiences and visitors– High speed broadband and digital connectivity throughout; lift access to all floors, wheelchair friendly toilets and changing areas, Sennheiser infrared system for assistive listening, on-site parking space for minibus and blue badge holders on arrival, fully trained visitor and guest services staff and volunteers
  • Fully responsive to climate change – Like all other parts of the island, the Pavilion in its engineering/materials, design, seafront location, facilities management and operations must recognise the risk climate change presents to how we work, and who we work with. As a multi-faceted visitor destination and creative hub, we can have an influence beyond our own operations through our audiences, visitors, and local community. The island of Bute is currently designated as one of Scotland’s first zero waste islands. Through the actions we take to reduce emissions and the adaptations we make to manage the risks, the Pavilion can act as an example of the circular economy, an inspiration for others and provoke positive change more widely.


Appendix 6 – Floor Plans










Appendix 7 – Floor Plans (2


Appendix 8: Table of Sizes and Dimension


Appendix 9 The Pavilion Purpose

Creates enriching, fresh opportunities to celebrate the past, enjoy the present, ignite the imagination, and shape the future.

Though the ambition and enterprise driven by the Pavilion people will be inspired and championed to change their world for the better.

Our approach:

Sympathetic to International Modern Style

Scottish and friendly

Youthful, immersive and engaging

Fun, innovative and/or creative

Future proof the planet


Our goal is for our local communities, participants, visitors, volunteers, and staff to:

  • Be inspired by the unique story behind the Pavilion’s famous design/architecture and its iconic place in the life and character of the island of Bute
  • See themselves, their creative talents and ideas reflected throughout building in its programme of live events and activities
  • Take part and enjoy the spirit, cultural diversity, lifestyle, and provenance of the island retreat/escape closest to Scotland’s mainland and enjoy access to a wider range of culture and leisure activity.

So that everyone can:

  • Capitalise on the island’s heritage. See the future as full of possibility, connections to the past inspiring, Bute’s heritage and environment worth safekeeping
  • Share the island’s heritage with the world –- opening up the island of Bute to a global audience and extending its reputation as a destination for eco and business tourism
  • Enjoy life – Take pride in the Pavilions rich heritage, Bute’s social history and distinct place in amongst Scotland’s islands and our national culture
  • Learn new skills & prosper – uncover new career possibilities and routes to future stable employment that enables living and working on the island.
  • Thrive in a positive environment within a creative network with diverse possibilities and support for creative businesses to be experimental, bold, and dynamic. Where people gather to expand their knowledge, networks, chase fresh talent and create new prosperity.
  • Feel energised and uplifted, choosing Bute as their favourite place to be and return to live, work or visit

Appendix 10– The Pavilion – Architectural & Cultural Significance

“International modernism at its best with little if anything of its period to equal it in Scotland” (McKean, Scottish Thirties)
















Architecturally, it is unique in Scotland. There is nothing quite like it. The Pavilion’s influence, history and heritage has outstanding national and international significance. It has Grade A status – highest ranking listed building category in Scotland – a category afforded to just 7% of the 47,000 listed buildings in the country, and even fewer on Scotland’s islands. The building is a good and early example of International Style of architecture called Modernism.


James Carrick, the young Ayrshire architect who cut his teeth on the Pavilion, radically reinterpreted building design on Bute. Although it features a hint of art deco, it is more strongly influenced by the radical philosophies and practice of the European Bauhaus school of Architecture and Design in Germany and latterly Chicago, that aimed to produce ‘modern art for a modern world.’

The school radically brought the practice fine art and craft together and saw architects and artists working in an interdisciplinary way across a stunning array of media (stained glass, ceramics, jewellery, textiles, weaving, painting, graphic design, sculpting, event performance and fashion, industrial design, furniture design and handcrafts).


Born out of the concept that ‘form follows function’ – Bauhaus artists believed in creating beautiful objects that also served a practical purpose and, that, with increased access to technology and new materials this opened a world of ‘art’ could be manufactured on a national scale. – the ‘Ikea ‘of the 1930’s.


This approach sees the Pavilion prominent on the seafront, flooded with natural light and built using an interesting hybrid of traditional and modern construction material and techniques, such as, cast stone, metal lath, concrete, assorted colours of patterned terrazzo flooring, curved glass in elegant Crittall slim steel framed windows, tail fin like heating ventilation columns and a bow like cantilevered balcony. The mix shows how the introduction of branded and factory-made products of their time emerged into mainstream building.


The radical approach of Bauhaus artists is considered to have changed the landscape of modern art, design and craft throughout the world, and the influence it came to have on a progressive, new young generation of architects, designers and makers is evident on Bute. The location and aesthetic value of Rothesay Pavilion is a prominent focal point for Bute that cannot be replicated or impact underestimated world-wide.


Then, as the restoration is now, its form and future function was fuelled not just from necessity, but by a spirit of experimentation and innovation in response to the next technological revolution and massive shifts in society.





Appendix 10- Who are the people of Bute? Is there strength in numbers?



Ref: Experian Estimates 2020; Population Size 6642



Appendix 12 ** – Bute’ cultural credentials


Today it (Bute) while some tired looking premises rely on nostalgia to survive, a host of new local businesses catering for a quality driven generation of travellers have opened in recent years”[8]


The annual Scottish ‘seaside holidaymaker,’ as current trends show is long gone, replaced by new generations of digitally savvy, environmentally conscious travellers seeking the kind of experience that meets their individual needs and aspirations seamlessly.

Whether that’s flying solo, outdoor adventures as a family or ‘bleisure’ tourist (a range of people travelling and working.) a holiday is no longer just a break from work. People are looking for an experience – something easily accessible and much more personal from their holiday – relaxation – a contrast from work offering luxury or unparalleled freedoms, refreshment – a renewed sense of purpose and well-being; discovery – of unexplored places, diverse cultures, authentic history and heritage and memorable opportunities -the place to rub shoulders with locals, experience traditions, share interests, enjoy home produced food and drink or dip into another way of life,  in a once in a lifetime trip.

Despite its challenges, the range and quality of cultural life on offer packed onto this small Scottish island, just fifteen miles long and less than 5 miles wide, a short hop by ferry, and all just forty-five miles by rail and road from the centre of Glasgow is unrivalled.

As a destination, Rothesay was always a favourite royal resort, although the association continues in title only. Since 1939 the title, ‘Duke of Rothesay’ remains with the air to the throne, and currently held by the Prince of Wales. These connections endure though Mount Stuart, the magnificent ancestral family home of the Marquesses of Bute and their passion for the arts, architecture, education, and the environment.

“As someone who has visited countless stately homes over 50 years, I have rarely seen anything of this quality. Magnificent. Unbelievable. Well worth coming over to Bute just for this.” TripAdvisor, 2022


Throughout the island in addition to Mount Stuart, there’s a wonderfully eclectic range of natural and built heritage on Bute, including a 12th Century medieval Castle and moat, ancient archaeological sites, and mystical ruined chapels.

There’s unspoilt coastline and beaches, sea, and pool swimming, kayaking and paddleboarding, bird watching trips and tours.


The ‘West Island Way’ walking route where you can straddle the highland fault line with one foot in the Highlands and the other in the Lowlands. Bridal paths, horse riding and alpaca trekking. (Yes Alpacas!) Award winning gardens and horticulture including the original Victorian fernery, plant festivals and forest trails.


Electric bikes hire and safe road cycling, three golf courses, shinty, bowling. Loch fishing, marina and boat hire, a super, stocked book shop, library, Bute’s renowned local Museum and churches of every denomination.


There’s a range of annual cultural festivals and live events, Bute Music Fest, Bute Highland Games, Bute Agricultural Fair, a Vintage Tractor rally, Book and Cycling fest and fun fair and soon to be, award winning sheep dog trials.


As to the resident community there’s talented musicians, promoters, producers, artists, illustrators, photographers, craft makers, lighting and textile designers and woodworkers – a diverse and burgeoning creative community drawn to a life on Bute, who like to stage events, open their workshops, studios and even homes routinely for all to see and enjoy.


Bute is a melting pot of cultural interest and entrepreneurial spirit true to its roots, with an outstanding natural environment, rich social history, and burgeoning creative community

These features including good proximity to mainland travel hubs, as well as good digital connectivity contribute to Bute’s diverse and wide-ranging cultural mix. Together Bute’s character, location, climate, and lifestyle underpins Bute’s latent appeal as a magnet for a new generation of visitors and entrepreneurs.

The Pavilion’s ambition for Bute is not just an ideal boast. The emphasis on Bute’s developing profile is supported by the evidence from others, including the media.

Bute was recently voted ‘The Number One place to live in Scotland’ by a panel of judges in a recent Herald article that considered a range of factors including schools, transport, and broadband as well as culture, green spaces, and the health of the local high street. Judges said Bute was “far above all the other Scottish islands for commutability” as well as being “full of adventurous locals fizzing with ideas to make their neighbourhoods shine.”

Attracted by the island culture, beautiful environment, proximity to Glasgow and the added advantage of cheaper house prices, Bute has seen a steady, but growing resurgence in interest over the last 5 years, not just from retirees but the aspirational self-employed and families seeking a positive safe, environment for their children to grow up in. “



Appendix 13 – Bute on the cusp of change

Gibb Bulloch is an avid, Bute born, ‘intrapreneur’ investing in the redevelopment of Craigberoch Farm on Bute. His ‘CraigBEroch Business Decelerator’ concept captures the business zeitgeist in seeking to be a space where people and ideas can flourish. By setting it on the tranquil Isle of Bute where he grew up, his goal is to provide a destination to bring together talented individuals from large corporations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) worldwide and explore new ways of collaborating at the nexus of the arts, business and wellbeing in an environment that drives transformation in individuals and the organisations in which they work. Although CraigBEroch pre-dated the pandemic, he believes that what it offers is more relevant now than ever.

Canadian dairy multinational Saputo recently bought Bute Island Foods describing it as an ‘innovative manufacturer, marketer and distributor.’  It is one of the largest private sector employers on the island making vegan cheese alternative, Sheese. In buy-out worth £109 million, Saputo, the new owner has pledged £2.9 million over five years as part of its wider commitment to invest 1% of its pre-tax profits each year in community programmes and organisations.

Mount Stuart Trust who owns and administer Mount Stuart and Bute Estate is a Charitable Trust founded in 1985. It works to fulfil the vision of the late John, Marquess of Bute. He believed that the public should be able to enjoy the gardens and surrounding grounds of his family’s ancestral home benefitting from its world class collections and archives, and an understanding and appreciation of fine and decorative art, architecture, and the rural environment. John Bute generously endowed The Mount Stuart Trust with Bute Estate to provide the support which enables this Mount Stuart to be preserved and opened to visitors.

Bute Estate is also behind Bute fabrics, a world class woollen mill designing and producing some of the most technically advanced textiles worldwide. Throughout its 74 years, it has drawn its inspiration from the people of Bute, and the astonishing colour palette and array of different landscapes on the island: heather-covered moorland, lush rolling hills, wild forests, sweeping beaches and an ever-changing seascape.

Bute Estates latest project, Bute Yard, is being developed in consultation with Historic Environment Scotland in a separate partnership with The Isle of Bute Gin Company to become a flexible event space, adding to the vibrancy, activity and experience of Rothesay, Bute’s largest town. The fast expanding, Isle of Bute Gin Company will be distilling their products at Bute Yard from 2020 onwards.

Attracting visitors from afar to visit and stay longer requires a good range of high quality and flexible accommodation. The latest in line to spot the investment opportunity on Bute is the Bespoke Hotel Group who recently bought over the Glenburn Hotel. Originally fashioned in the Victorian era in the style of Britain’s ‘Grande Seaside Hotels’ as a showpiece, luxury hotel for the aristocratic and wealthy middle classes, it was built as Scotland’s first ‘hydropathic’ hotel. Set high on a cliff top, it has one Bute’s finest views overlooking Rothesay Bay.

In 2021 with support from the Scottish Government a majority of over two hundred local businesses on Bute voted to become a recognised Business Improvement District (BID). This status allows the BID team to levy funds and work together to invest in local improvements that have a positive impact on the community and aim to support business growth.

And finally, a community pub. A volunteer group of talented, community spirited residents of Port Bannatyne on Bute sought professional advice, created a community share scheme, raised £92,000, crowd funded £12,600 and bought the local pub to create a social space for locals and visitors and help ‘breathe new life into the Port’.

“…buying and reopening the Anchor (pub) generated an amazing g buzz, its lovely to take part in something so positive with its own unique purpose that has developed my own skills and connections with new people…” Jenny O’Hagan, resident, and founder


Appendix 14 Summary table



Live music from a huge range of artists from Scotland and beyond across three stages – including the Pavilion of Perpetual Light, a spectacular 10-metre vertical farm and concert platform made from dozens of Cubes of Perpetual Light

Talks by leading scientists, chefs, artists, activists and others on such urgent issues as sustainability, climate action and food poverty

Inspiring workshops, discussions and other hands-on activities hosted by charities, campaign groups and community organisations in our intimate Dandelion Potting Sheds

Interactive, inclusive and inspiring activities for children of all ages

Seed and plant giveaways – plus the chance to get up close with our Cubes of Perpetual Light

Fabulous food and drink, locally sourced from ethical and sustainably minded producers and vendors

[1] Working title

[2] Working title

[3] Caretakers House – see floor plans and description in appendix

[4] Working title

[5] Working title

[6] Caretakers House – see floor plans and description in appendix

[7] 45rpm working title for facilities aimed specifically for young people

[8] Susanne Arbuckle, Founder, and travel writer, ‘Adventures in Scotland’